
I went,

I saw,

I wrote…

  • A Ladle in the Sicily Cauldron
    On the Trail of Greek Colonies Since I had traveled extensively on the Italian mainland a long time ago and had no time for Sicily, this Mediterranean island had been on my mind for a while. A friend’s invitation was the occasion; I was in Sicily this summer for three weeks. I traveled the island and some on the heel of the boot in the mainland. Sicily is one of the distant lands where first Greek colonies were first established. That’s why it is home to the oldest Hellenistic ruins in Europe. Moreover, this huge island, in the middle of …
  • The Furry Country: Vienna & Budapest
    A New Year’s Fantasy… Sunday concerts conducted by Hikmet Şimşek hold an important place in our generation’s childhood memories. Colorful memories of the same period include the funny philharmonic concerts conducted by Danny Kaye, which gave me and my peers a taste of classical music. Even though I’m not a real classical music fan, I’m quite familiar with it. Therefore, when my usual traveling companion Melike shared her dream of going to a New Year’s Eve Concert in Vienna, I said “come on!” Of course, it doesn’t work like that… Vienna is an expensive destination in every respect. But Melike …
  • Taste It: Chios Island
    Going to Chios Actually, this is not my first time visiting Chios; I had visited for a few days. But it was a short trip and a long time ago. It was a good decision to have a detailed Chios holiday at the end of the official season and beginning of the off season, the best season for me. We had initially thought of a program with hoping on and off to other islands.But then we decided not to spend our time on the road and experience an island to its fullest. This was a very good choice; we have …
  • The Secret of Long Life: Ikaria
    Departure to Ikaria I had heard good stories about İkaria for many years and finally I set out to visit. There is no direct passage from Turkish ports to Ikaria which is one of the Greek islands near Turkish mainland. Therefore, some detailed planning is required. But it is not very difficult; because, thanks to our neighbor there are frequent, comfortable and economical ferry services between the islands at an optimum schedule. The easiest jump to Ikaria is from the island of Samos; Kuşadası port is the closest to it from the Turkish side. I had bought a ferry ticket …
  • The Beaches of Dilek Peninsula National Park
    Dilek Peninsula… First of all, precise information: The national park, located at the last point where Dilek Mountain reaches the Aegean Sea, within the borders of Aydın province. It has an area of 27,675 hectares. 10,985 hectares of this area belong to Dilek Peninsula, which was declared a National Park on 19.05.1966, and 16,690 hectares to Büyük Menderes Delta, which was declared a National Park in 1994. The Dilek Peninsula section of the National Park, opposite the Greek island of Samos, is the last point of the Samsun Mountains extending towards the Aegean Sea. The highest point of the peninsula, …